Scripts to plot GFS/GENS meteograms

Updates on GENS Visualizer Scripts

There was an issue regarding the latest version of Pydap used to download the latest GFS/GENS weather forecasts via OpenDAP. I used this opportunity to fix some small things and to update the installation guidelines.

There were some issues regarding the latest version of Pydap 3.2.2 when using the GFS/GENS visualizer which results in an error invalid start byte. I’ve used this opportunity to fix some very small things and to update the installation notes. The installation notes contain a small installation script to set up a local python virtualenv, install the required packages, and to run the visualization.

Note: image output looks slightly different on my machine as there were also changes to matplotlib since 2015 :). I have to put that on my todo list.

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.