This work by Reto Stauffer (2024) is licensed under the Gnu General Public License v2 (GPLv2). If you improve and/or extend the code it would be great to send me a message and the extensions such that I can include the changes in the original repository. Repository is available on
Features of the PyIGRA Script
Features of the tool:
search for available stations in the IGRA2 data set
download and extract the data set
specify output variables and output format
write data into an ASCII file
The tool is written in python2 and requires the following modules:
Install software (Linux; example for Ubuntu)
The package places two executables in your bin folder wherefore
the PyIGRA tool can be accessed anywhere on your system. To download
the data the station ID has to be known. PyIGRA_search provides
a handy alternative to search for a station bei either the station ID
or the station name. PyIGRA_search simply parses the IGRA station
list and returns possible matches on stdout. Example:
You should see the following output (or similar):
As an example: Innsbruck Airport (INNSBRUCK-FLUGHAFEN) has the station ID AUM00011120.
To download the data simply call PyIGRA:
The following output will be produced (which could be piped into a file). To
save the extracted data into a file please see input option -o/--output.
To see all PyIGRA options please see PyIGRA --help: