Hope being live in autumn!

Wetterturnier 2.0 Test Phase

For those grown up in a meteorological department in Innsbruck, Vienna, Zürich, Leipzig and Berlin the Wetterturnier should be well known. It is a platform where people challenge each other doing the best possible weather forecast for the upcoming weekend! As the existing system is getting old and buggy I've designed a new system over the last years (took quite a while!). However we are in the test phase right now!


Wetterturnier.de is getting 17 years old this year and was one of the first web-based platforms where dozens of users try to bat each other week-by-week! The goal is to submit the best possible weather forecast till Friday late afternoon for Saturday and Sunday.

The old system worked well for more than 15 years but is now getting a bit old fashioned. Then I have had one of these amazing ideas that it might not be that tricky to set up a new system. Well, took more time than thought, as always :).

The good thing: we are in the extended test phase right now! Visit prognose2.met.fu-berlin.de if you wanna see it.

Some features:

  • Everything is database based now (mariadb).
  • One single-login management system (wordpress).
  • Fully automated.
  • With cool additional features …
  • … and yet missing cool features …
  • … and some bugs.

However, we are looking forward to get the system live the next months after hundreds of hours of coding :).