
This is just an excerpt of the curriculum vitae or biography. This list is not intended to be complete. For those interested, a list of publications and talks can be found here or on orcid.org.

Year of birth
Grown up
Widnau, Switzerland
Living in
Innsbruck, Austria (since 2006)



Dez 2018—ongoing
University Assistant (tenure track position), Department of Statistics and Digital Science Center, University of Innsbruck.
Oct 2018—Dez 2018
Postdoctoral research associate and project leader (part-time), Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck. Project: "Abhängigkeit der Anzahl und Art akuter Krankheitsbilder in der pädiatrischen und kinderchirurgischen Notfallambulanz von meteorologischen Einflüssen - eine retrospektive Studie" (ÖGKJ).
Jul 2017, Dez 2018
Postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck. Project: "Profcast — Probabilistic Nowcasting of Wind Profiles" (FFG, project Nr. 858537).
Dec 2016—Jun 2017
Postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck. Project: "SnowSafeFX: Forecasting Alpine Snow Amounts for the Safety of People, Infrastructure and Transport" (FWF, project Nr. TRP~290-N26).
2013—Nov 2016
Predoctoral research associate at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck. Project: "SnowSafeFX: Forecasting Alpine Snow Amounts for the Safety of People, Infrastructure and Transport" (FWF, project Nr. TRP~290-N26).
Predoctoral research associate at the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck. Project: "WindFX, Forecasting the wind power distribution for wind parks" (FWF, project Nr. ZLF006150).
Scientific associate at the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck. Project: "Austrian Updateable Model Output Statistics System" (funded by the Austrian national weather service).


Working as an electronic engineers draftsman, IFE Ingenieur-Unternehmung für Elektrotechnik AG, Widnau (CH).
Apprenticeship as an electronic engineers draftsman, IFE Ingenieur-Unternehmung für Elektrotechnik AG, Widnau (CH).


Tiroler Data Science Bootcamp. Land Tirol, Leuchtturmprojekte im Bereich Digitalisierung, UIBK news article.
Digital Bootcamp Data Science Tirol, Universität Innsbruck. An FFG funded project 'Foko - Digital Pro Bootcamps'. FFG project database, news post Universität Innsbruck.